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B-BBEE (Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment)

With our Assistance becoming B-BBEE compliant the procedure becomes efficient and painless.

We will consult and advise so that you can achieve the best possible recognition.

Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Scorecard: Turnover less than R5 million

Size of enterprise Qualification
1. Exempt Micr Enterprise (EME) Turnover < R5 mil
2. Qualifying Small Enterprise (QSE) R5 mil ≤ Turnover < R35 mil
Generic Enterprise Turnover ≥ R35 mil

Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Scorecard: Turnover less than R35 million

QSE Scorecard

Element Point Allocation
Ownership 25
Management Control 25
Employment Equity 25
Skills Development 25
Preferential Procurement 25
Enterprise Development 25
Socio-Economic Development 25


B-BBEE Status Qualification Procurement Level
Level 1 > 100 points 135%
Level 2 >85 but <100 pts> 125%
Level 3 >75 but <85 pts 110%
Level 4 >65 but <75 pts 100%
Level 5 >55 but <65 pts 80%
Level 6 >45 but <55 pts 60%
Level 7 >40 but <45 pts 50%
Level 8 >30 but <40 pts 10%
Non-Compliant >30 points 0%

Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Scorecard: Turnover above R35 million

Generic Scorecard

Element Point Allocation
Ownership 20
Management Control 10
Employment Equity 15
Skills Development 15
Preferential Procurement 20
Enterprise Development 15
Socio-Economic Development 5


B-BBEE Status Qualification Procurement Level
Level 1 > 100 points 135%
Level 2 >85 but <100 pts> 125%
Level 3 >75 but <85 pts 110%
Level 4 >65 but <75 pts 100%
Level 5 >55 but <65 pts 80%
Level 6 >45 but <55 pts 60%
Level 7 >40 but <45 pts 50%
Level 8 >30 but <40 pts 10%
Non-Compliant >30 points 0%